+ [2014-08-29T10:28:37Z] tobiasvl should be easy to parse
+ [2014-08-29T10:29:55Z] stiang tobiasvl: actually I’m using https://github.com/kpdecker/jsdiff, which gives me an object that’s easy to work with. but I’ve been using diffChars, not diffWords. so compare the deleted line to the added line using diffWords, right?
+ [2014-08-29T10:34:38Z] tobiasvl stiang: hmm, the first Node example there seems to contain what you need?
+ [2014-08-29T10:34:59Z] tobiasvl part.removed
+ [2014-08-29T10:48:43Z] stiang tobiasvl: yes, the diff works as it should, but I was struggling with the logic to get the exact right output. but I believe I finally nailed it: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0a55dc3b4581339f8b90

message no. 43673

Posted by stiang in #github at 2014-08-29T10:26:16Z

trying to emulate Github’s excellent diff output for a project, especially the per added/deleted line part. what exactly are you comparing the text on line 34 in this url with to figure out which chars were deleted (the bold ones)? https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js/commit/1f36882e15acc86658fae4a2c93ad9f3800b3257#diff-04c6e90faac2675aa89e2176d2eec7d8L33
+ [2014-08-30T07:58:44Z] Nevik augur: not too sure but sounds to me like you just unpacked the objects, not the refs (or rather, not updating your existing refs)
+ [2014-08-30T07:59:05Z] augur Nevik: possibly
+ [2014-08-30T07:59:14Z] augur i mean, it worked with the hex id, right
+ [2014-08-30T07:59:17Z] Nevik i just look at the manpage every time i use bundles
+ [2014-08-30T07:59:21Z] Nevik because i dont use them often