+ [2014-09-03T21:03:44Z] eefcee maybe this… https://github.com/tominsam/jekyll-metaweblog
+ [2014-09-03T21:05:04Z] eefcee hm, that looks pretty dormant…
+ [2014-09-03T21:05:08Z] jaybe eefcee, i'd be interested and chatting with you more about this. brainstorming, thinking
+ [2014-09-03T21:05:52Z] jaybe really this needs to be thought about. and from a high high level. i.e. hi. how should this work? what would be best and make sense? ok then - what technologies should/could power/drive it? ... and drill down smratly
+ [2014-09-03T21:05:54Z] jaybe smartly

message no. 45370

Posted by eefcee in #jekyll at 2014-09-03T20:57:48Z

irony is that I am only versed in PHP and it would seem very odd for the CMS-like layer to be in PHP… maybe time to learn ruby
+ [2014-09-04T01:50:04Z] cahicks Hello
+ [2014-09-04T01:52:56Z] cahicks When hosting on github pages how do you get a site to regenerate.
+ [2014-09-04T01:54:40Z] jaybe push changes
+ [2014-09-04T01:56:13Z] cahicks I have and they are showing up in the repository but when I refresh the page it is not regenerating anything in the _site file
+ [2014-09-04T01:58:22Z] jaybe be sure you're pushing to the right branch, named correctly, etc. according to the github directions