latest 11 messages by eefcee

+ [2014-09-03T21:05:04Z] eefcee hm, that looks pretty dormant…
+ [2014-09-03T21:03:44Z] eefcee maybe this…
+ [2014-09-03T21:03:09Z] eefcee hm… I wonder if there is an xmlrpc interfact for jekyll, that might be cool and open up a bunch of apps that already exist
+ [2014-09-03T21:00:56Z] eefcee huh, that imap workflow sounds very creative!
+ [2014-09-03T21:00:17Z] eefcee yes, I think PHP would be less offensive as an admin tool, I just doubt it would get much traction in the jekyll world regardless due to the ick factor
+ [2014-09-03T20:59:15Z] eefcee yup, that sounds like a useful mail gateway… I am looking for something to edit pages more than post to a blog
+ [2014-09-03T20:57:48Z] eefcee irony is that I am only versed in PHP and it would seem very odd for the CMS-like layer to be in PHP… maybe time to learn ruby
+ [2014-09-03T20:57:12Z] eefcee ok, just wanted to check before I consider rolling my own
+ [2014-09-03T20:56:50Z] eefcee jaybe, exactly, those are the steps
+ [2014-09-03T20:56:38Z] eefcee granted, but almost all the workflows I see assume the “jekyll serve —watch” method instead of “jekyll build”… I’d like to use something like or pagoda as a CMS-like layer for non-techies, and just cant seem to put that together
+ [2014-09-03T20:44:08Z] eefcee curious about jekyll as a static site builder (as opposed to server)… are there tools to help non-tech users edit pages and posts, then kick off a “jekyll build” after edits? I love the idea of pagoda or, but I don’t think is suitable for a static site being run on a shared host, and can’t figure out how to run pagoda on a shared host (bluehost in my case)