+ [2013-07-09T22:43:57Z] kiba didn't work
+ [2013-07-09T22:44:33Z] kiba https://github.com/dsanson/jekyll-pandoc-plugin works though
+ [2013-07-09T22:45:07Z] bret ah ok
+ [2013-07-09T22:45:37Z] bret well, there you go! jekyll with pandoc
+ [2013-07-09T22:49:48Z] kiba took me a while to figure out

message no. 4582

Posted by bret in #jekyll at 2013-07-09T22:45:37Z

well, there you go! jekyll with pandoc
+ [2013-07-10T10:28:24Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/maul-esel/jekyll/compare/f72365da4fee...9d2849c56201
+ [2013-07-10T10:28:24Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/maul-esel/jekyll/builds/8858497
+ [2013-07-10T10:28:24Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] maul-esel/jekyll#44 (include-params2 - 9d2849c : maul.esel): The build has errored.
+ [2013-07-10T11:55:21Z] parkr Guten Tag!
+ [2013-07-10T12:07:42Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1295 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/8923299