+ [2014-09-06T21:02:17Z] honestly so nobody else takes the org name?
+ [2014-09-06T21:16:03Z] tjbenator Would there be any reason not to just keep everything contained under one namespace/org name?
+ [2014-09-06T22:14:54Z] dman777_alter I have a master that is forked from upstream. Is there a way to create a branch from upstream rather than master? This is for a additional PR request and if I create the branch from master it will inlcude the changes from the other PR request I have already.
+ [2014-09-06T23:55:41Z] Shadeness Since when has github merged the links of folders with just a single folder in code view?

message no. 45831

Posted by wking in #github at 2014-09-06T00:37:08Z

Is github not accepting emailed comments to the issue tracker? status.github.com says all systems are go, but I've send a number of emails today that never showed up on the we UI.
+ [2014-09-07T00:51:51Z] fahadash I have a private repository, I would like to experiment something with my project, if that experiment is successful, then our team will continue to use that otherwise we will discard the idea.
+ [2014-09-07T00:52:29Z] fahadash I am thinking of creating an Experimental branch, and once proved, make that branch Main, and convert existing Main to some branch. Is that possible ?
+ [2014-09-07T02:16:36Z] VxJasonxV Shadeness: about 2 weeks ago. check the blog
+ [2014-09-07T02:16:50Z] VxJasonxV tjbenator: ask Laravel
+ [2014-09-07T02:17:08Z] VxJasonxV and everyone else is gone