latest 20 messages by dman777_alter

+ [2016-06-17T19:31:48Z] dman777_alter can a blocked user still view my public repos?
+ [2015-11-04T15:03:33Z] dman777_alter After I did the fetch I see * branch update-jobs -> FETCH_HEAD, but when I try to git checkout update-jobs it saids the branch does not exist. Is this because I am doing it in my local repo? I wanted to do it in my local repo so I wouldn't have to install npm and bower files
+ [2015-11-04T14:48:31Z] dman777_alter How do I fetch someone else's remote branch just to a do a quick test in my repo? I don't want to track changes because I will delete the branch right after testing it
+ [2015-10-03T20:51:04Z] dman777_alter should git log master show the tag versions? I only see the commit hashes...which tag represent, correct?
+ [2015-10-03T20:38:55Z] dman777_alter How do I know if master has a specific tag version in it's commit history?
+ [2015-10-03T20:01:48Z] dman777_alter hmm... someone filed an issue in and I never got a email
+ [2015-09-27T01:47:34Z] dman777_alter I have a repo named "fixer-upper" I want to merge into master. I want to it overwrite anything in master without haveing to manually resolve any conflicts. Any idea how I can do that?
+ [2015-08-05T16:14:32Z] dman777_alter how come untracked files do not show in a repo from git worktree add?
+ [2015-08-05T15:44:16Z] dman777_alter is it ok to do git stash apply on a detached head?
+ [2015-08-05T14:37:06Z] dman777_alter I just did a git push origin HEAD:dropdown-choices-api to fix it
+ [2015-08-05T14:28:49Z] dman777_alter I did git worktree add ../temp origin/foo; cd ../temp. then I edited file bar; git add bar; git commit -m "commit"; git push. But it didn't push and said nothing to commit, working directory clean. I checked on the branch in github and it doesn't have the new change
+ [2015-08-04T22:02:01Z] dman777_alter I wouldn't want stage files to be shared between the two seperate branches
+ [2015-08-04T22:01:44Z] dman777_alter If file apple.txt exists in branch foo and it's staged for a commit.... and I do git worktree add ../bar origin/bar... why does that file show in ../bar with git status?