+ [2014-09-08T22:16:34Z] ozoness hey guys. I just rebased a rejected pull request. I already pushed the update, will it notify the repo's owner?
+ [2014-09-08T23:22:30Z] Remram nope
+ [2014-09-08T23:22:59Z] Remram If you merge the original branch from the PR, everybody who subscribed to the PR will get a notification
+ [2014-09-08T23:23:12Z] Remram but if you merge something else, I don't think so
+ [2014-09-08T23:23:24Z] Remram Of course, you can always just comment on the PR (closed or not)

message no. 46454

Posted by xender in #github at 2014-09-08T18:55:14Z

MasterPiece: What's that? Doesn't look like standard git not Github
+ [2014-09-09T09:55:01Z] FND hi - I'm not quite sure what's required to update our custom domain using GitHub Pages:
+ [2014-09-09T09:55:24Z] FND currently roca-style.org uses innoq.github.com/roca/
+ [2014-09-09T09:55:40Z] FND so should we update that to use ALIAS innoq.github.io?
+ [2014-09-09T12:21:38Z] coxaLT Hello and good day, i have a question about finding specific project. Would there be anyone here now who could help me?
+ [2014-09-09T12:22:25Z] tobiasvl what do you mean?