+ [2013-07-12T19:06:50Z] mojobot http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5p7p8EJu71qjfw3go1_400.gif
+ [2013-07-12T19:06:49Z] parkr mojobot animate me dumb cat
+ [2013-07-12T19:27:55Z] Kiba hey
+ [2013-07-12T19:28:22Z] Kiba is there a way to use different rendering engines for different pages?
+ [2013-07-12T20:06:35Z] jaybe Kiba, should be possible. would likely involve a plugin that does a few things: 1. watches for page front matter YAML such as `renderer: redcarpet`. … and then 2. leverage a different rendering engine for each page containing said front matter. for example.

message no. 4686

Posted by Kiba in #jekyll at 2013-07-12T19:28:22Z

is there a way to use different rendering engines for different pages?
+ [2013-07-13T14:24:51Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1330 (excerpt) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/9040460
+ [2013-07-13T16:03:27Z] digitalcake does any one now how to embed a gist in markdow? [gist][someid] ?
+ [2013-07-13T18:28:20Z] zachgersh you actually here
+ [2013-07-13T18:28:32Z] zachgersh I had a couple of questions as I am working on the kramdown bit now :)