+ [2014-09-14T23:49:29Z] fwaokda ohhh gotcha
+ [2014-09-14T23:49:39Z] fwaokda ok well thanks for answering the last half
+ [2014-09-14T23:50:05Z] fwaokda was just looking for a gem that would allow me to make content posts within my already existing app
+ [2014-09-14T23:51:12Z] doismellburning fwaokda: approximately, octopress is a tool, you give it an A, it gives you a B, where A is approximately (some config, a dir of probably-markdown/sass/liquid) and B is approximately ("a website" (some css/html/etc.))
+ [2014-09-14T23:52:10Z] doismellburning not to say that you couldn't hack on it to change the types of A and B, but yeah, if you're looking for some sort of rails plugin for content editing, that's not what octopress does out of the box, and if you wanted to make it do that, there are probably better-suited tools

message no. 47477

Posted by fwaokda in #octopress at 2014-09-14T23:48:43Z

sooo answer is no then i guess
+ [2014-09-15T00:03:05Z] Keltia hello, I have an issue with the date not showing up for every article
+ [2014-09-15T00:03:41Z] Keltia in _includes/post/date.html date_formatted seems to end up empty
+ [2014-09-15T00:03:48Z] Keltia any idea?
+ [2014-09-15T00:04:00Z] Keltia (using the cleanpress theme)
+ [2014-09-15T00:05:03Z] anomalyst error: rejected because the tip is behind