latest 9 messages by fwaokda

+ [2014-12-17T17:21:01Z] fwaokda technicalpickles, thanks, I was having an issue and was just checking. Seems it was something else as its working now... not sure what it was oh well :-/
+ [2014-12-17T17:05:40Z] fwaokda for an organization... is this a correct repo url:<org_name>/<project>.git OR is it different than a user repo since its an organization?
+ [2014-09-14T23:50:05Z] fwaokda was just looking for a gem that would allow me to make content posts within my already existing app
+ [2014-09-14T23:49:39Z] fwaokda ok well thanks for answering the last half
+ [2014-09-14T23:49:29Z] fwaokda ohhh gotcha
+ [2014-09-14T23:48:56Z] fwaokda what's pass on it mean?
+ [2014-09-14T23:48:43Z] fwaokda sooo answer is no then i guess
+ [2014-09-14T23:42:00Z] fwaokda can i use octopress within my rails app or is it more of a rails app on it's own?
+ [2014-07-17T16:26:28Z] fwaokda what is github pages? Is it a hosting option?