+ [2014-09-15T22:18:06Z] Seveas kevining: !sgc
+ [2014-09-15T22:27:44Z] coxaLT Hello, good evening
+ [2014-09-15T22:28:01Z] coxaLT Would there be anyone who could help to find a project?
+ [2014-09-15T22:36:08Z] milki therse a project to find a project
+ [2014-09-15T23:13:47Z] VxJasonxV coxaLT: that search criteria matches everything. so, you probably found it.

message no. 47511

Posted by nicolas_FR in #github at 2014-09-15T07:55:45Z

totally new to github. Could anyone say me if there is a way to see where this fix : https://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-23481 was applied there : https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/tree/6.1.x. I'm looking for the code changes so I can patch our own install. Thanks
+ [2014-09-16T02:06:35Z] guest3456 is there a github api ?
+ [2014-09-16T02:07:14Z] guest3456 looking to create a release script to create a "release" on github and automatically upload a binary
+ [2014-09-16T02:08:03Z] guest3456 also looking to trigger a script to update submodules in a repository, whenever the submodule project has a new commit
+ [2014-09-16T02:08:05Z] guest3456 are those possible?
+ [2014-09-16T02:08:06Z] thibaultcha guest3456: https://developer.github.com/