+ [10 years ago] Marcovit like ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag1'], i want to get only tag1 and tag2, not twice tag1
+ [10 years ago] Marcovit Am trying this through liquid
+ [10 years ago] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#4449 (master) The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/35566739
+ [10 years ago] F^3 Hey hey, I have created a blog.html file (http://pastie.org/private/oflfh8hy1vby9x5rqef5xg) but for some reason it's showing the ruby code instead of processing it. Ideas?
+ [10 years ago] F^3 Figured it out, I had to change {{ page.content }} to {{ content }}

message no. 48001

Posted by Marcovit in #jekyll at 2014-09-17T18:54:14Z

Am trying this through liquid
+ [10 years ago] byte[] how do I know what's supported in my version? I did apt-get on debian, apparently it's version 0.11.2-1. I am trying things and not sure if it's not supported or I'm just doing it wrong
+ [10 years ago] byte[] for example, include paramters doesn't seem supported, and now I'm stuck on site.data
+ [10 years ago] jbleuzen enter `jekyll ---version` then go to changelog ?
+ [10 years ago] jbleuzen 0.11.2-1 seams to be a debian package version and not jekyll version to me
+ [10 years ago] byte[] ah yea, it's Jekyll 0.11.2