+[2014-09-19T12:14:58Z]manuscleyes but there are not copied to the _site folder +[2014-09-19T12:15:27Z]manusclein fact i just cloned the bootstrap from github as submodule +[2014-09-19T12:15:40Z]jbleuzenif there are YAML then Jekyll will try to "compile", so the plugin is your only solution +[2014-09-19T12:16:12Z]manuscleok thanks for your help +[2014-09-19T13:02:29Z]manusclesome one are using jekyll admin in rails app?
i tried the exclude parameter but the folder disapear
+[2014-09-20T03:42:01Z]parkrPSA: You can now use `site.github` locally: https://github.com/parkr/github-metadata +[2014-09-20T14:21:52Z]wizonesolutionsHmm, front matter doesn't work in includes? I have a set of menu partials that I want to specify the items for in YAML so I can just include a common menu partial that loops through and builds the HTML appropriately. So I tried including the menu from another include and putting front matter in _includes/menu-whatever.html, but it doesn't get changed into +[2014-09-20T14:21:52Z]wizonesolutionsLiquid variables. Does it only work on the top-level page? +[2014-09-20T14:23:50Z]wizonesolutions...oh, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11300717/dynamic-includes. And also, duh, it isn't the first thing in the file if it's an include....hmm, I can probably put the whole menu structure in _config.yml and go from there. +[2014-09-20T14:24:13Z]wizonesolutions...oh wait, that didn't really answer what I was thinking of, but all the same.