latest 11 messages by manuscle

+ [2014-09-19T13:02:29Z] manuscle some one are using jekyll admin in rails app?
+ [2014-09-19T12:16:12Z] manuscle ok thanks for your help
+ [2014-09-19T12:15:27Z] manuscle in fact i just cloned the bootstrap from github as submodule
+ [2014-09-19T12:14:58Z] manuscle yes but there are not copied to the _site folder
+ [2014-09-19T12:09:56Z] manuscle so i just need to make a plugin that copy my excluded folder and its content?
+ [2014-09-19T12:07:35Z] manuscle jbleuzen, thanks i'll take a look
+ [2014-09-19T11:55:35Z] manuscle i only need to let the folder in the site but ensure that jekyll will not try to compile it
+ [2014-09-19T11:55:07Z] manuscle i tried the exclude parameter but the folder disapear
+ [2014-09-19T11:54:44Z] manuscle how i can exclude the folder from compile ?
+ [2014-09-19T11:54:28Z] manuscle i have a jekyll site with a bootstrap submodule loaded by git. The bootstrap doc has been compiled with jekyll so every time i compile my site, jekyll try to compile the bootstrap subfolder content