+ [2014-09-19T12:15:09Z] nickjj then merge the release branch back into develop and delete the release branch
+ [2014-09-19T13:35:30Z] ricardocrudo Hi. I'd like to generated and host tar.gz files on github from versions tags of git project. I'm sure that I saw this in some projects. where can I find documentation for this? I've checked the help section but I can't find.
+ [2014-09-19T13:36:24Z] canton7 ricardocrudo, https://github.com/blog/1547-release-your-software, https://help.github.com/categories/85/articles, etc

message no. 48501

Posted by nickjj in #github at 2014-09-19T12:15:09Z

then merge the release branch back into develop and delete the release branch
+ [2014-09-20T04:57:11Z] VxJasonxV not in the way you're asking
+ [2014-09-20T04:57:18Z] VxJasonxV not in the way you're asking ^
+ [2014-09-20T04:57:23Z] VxJasonxV what just happened