+ [2014-09-23T23:46:42Z] jaybe i was able to sort by first name
+ [2014-09-23T23:50:26Z] phillipadsmith jaybe: the initial sort, yes, seems to work, but the following for loop doesn't do what's expected (see the gist)
+ [2014-09-23T23:50:52Z] phillipadsmith Not sure how that's happening? it's almost like the array get's re-sorted at some point
+ [2014-09-23T23:51:01Z] phillipadsmith (or goes back to the initial sort)

message no. 48825

Posted by izarry in #jekyll at 2014-09-23T07:48:02Z

why do i get this error when i try to create a new jekyll Liquid Exception: No such file or directory - python C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/g
+ [2014-09-24T00:09:54Z] jaybe so when you introduce the condition of parsing by ward - you experience the sorting fallout
+ [2014-09-24T00:35:14Z] jaybe phillipadsmith, may i private message you
+ [2014-09-24T00:39:29Z] jaybe phillipadsmith, providing you a link via pm to inspect ward 44 sorted alphabetically