latest 14 messages by izarry

+ [2014-09-23T08:39:09Z] izarry ok im good hehe got it all fixed
+ [2014-09-23T08:24:37Z] izarry oh okay .. thanks
+ [2014-09-23T08:23:21Z] izarry i mean the ruby
+ [2014-09-23T08:22:43Z] izarry jbleuzen, it works now , but i forgot the path on jekyll can you tell me the path?
+ [2014-09-23T08:00:12Z] izarry and btw im using windows
+ [2014-09-23T07:58:39Z] izarry and you page said that v2.7 only im just confused h
+ [2014-09-23T07:58:06Z] izarry jbleuze, hi uhm does you page means that i have to install python v2.7.7? because on the python version downloads there's only v2.7.7
+ [2014-09-23T07:53:45Z] izarry oh okay sorry , ill install it now thanks by the way
+ [2014-09-23T07:52:23Z] izarry after installing jekyll , i create a new folder but why this give me a problem ? when i try to run jekyll , it gives me this error
+ [2014-09-23T07:48:03Z] izarry come-to-jekyll.markdown
+ [2014-09-23T07:48:02Z] izarry ems/2.0.0/gems/pygments.rb-0.6.0/lib/pygments/ in _posts/2014-09-23-wel
+ [2014-09-23T07:48:02Z] izarry why do i get this error when i try to create a new jekyll Liquid Exception: No such file or directory - python C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/g
+ [2014-09-23T07:44:59Z] izarry can i ask a jekyll problem here?
+ [2014-09-23T07:43:59Z] izarry hello ?