+ [2014-09-24T21:06:36Z] willb jekyll serve -w --unpublished
+ [2014-09-24T21:33:40Z] kuhruby Hi! I'm using the BlogTheme theme for octopress, and can't get the timestamp to show on new posts. Can someone help me with that?

message no. 49390

Posted by willb in #octopress at 2014-09-24T20:29:36Z

borkdude, the online documentation for code block highlighting only appears to apply to octopress 3, which probably isn't what you're using
+ [2014-09-25T18:06:29Z] knackedgary Having trouble getting the date to show up on 3rd party themes. A bit new to both Octopress and Ruby. I tried updating the files with: https://github.com/imathis/octopress/commit/73e540409ceb8bc18048b6a96a4b815fc303ea28
+ [2014-09-25T18:46:36Z] borkdude what will be used for comments if I put comments to true?
+ [2014-09-25T18:46:56Z] borkdude do I have to have a disqus account for it?
+ [2014-09-26T11:29:44Z] borkdude when I install octopress on another machine, when I do rake install, I get:
+ [2014-09-26T11:29:57Z] borkdude Error: Cannot find module '/Users/mborkent/Dropbox/dev/octopress/package.json'