latest 16 messages by willb

+ [2014-09-24T21:06:36Z] willb jekyll serve -w --unpublished
+ [2014-09-24T20:34:20Z] willb borkdude, octopress is great! don't let this sour you
+ [2014-09-24T20:34:07Z] willb and can't change it
+ [2014-09-24T20:33:54Z] willb I agree that it is confusing but am also just a user
+ [2014-09-24T20:33:38Z] willb bot the docs apparently refer to the newer features
+ [2014-09-24T20:33:18Z] willb borkdude, I ran into this myself recently
+ [2014-09-24T20:33:09Z] willb borkdude, yeah, it is unfortunate
+ [2014-09-24T20:30:47Z] willb and not quite done yet AFAICT
+ [2014-09-24T20:30:40Z] willb borkdude, octopress 3 is
+ [2014-09-24T20:30:24Z] willb borkdude, if you got it from, you're on version 2
+ [2014-09-24T20:29:36Z] willb borkdude, the online documentation for code block highlighting only appears to apply to octopress 3, which probably isn't what you're using
+ [2014-08-19T16:27:26Z] willb Actually, looking at the Octopress source, it appears that the start option isn't actually used. Is this correct?
+ [2014-08-19T16:25:41Z] willb and here's how it renders:
+ [2014-08-19T16:25:02Z] willb Here's what I'm doing now: ``` java link start:1011
+ [2014-08-19T16:24:51Z] willb I'd like to give a start offset for line numbering, but it's turning into part of the link text
+ [2014-08-19T16:24:23Z] willb Hey all, if I'm using backtick code blocks, what do I need to do to separate options from the link text?