+ [2014-10-07T22:24:41Z] kile I've a post named: DATE-my-title.md
+ [2014-10-07T22:24:56Z] kile and inside it I have: title: My beautiful extended title
+ [2014-10-07T22:25:10Z] kile how can I make the permalink to be: /my-title ¿?
+ [2014-10-07T22:25:45Z] kile :(
+ [2014-10-07T22:25:44Z] kile I've permalink defined in _config like /:title and it just ignore the filename and takes the title: property, becoming /my-beautiful-extended-title

message no. 51985

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-10-07T00:20:20Z

that's a neat idea really.
+ [2014-10-08T01:21:43Z] pontiki hallo all
+ [2014-10-08T03:03:01Z] Judo-Master jekyll on windows any advice?
+ [2014-10-08T03:04:57Z] pontiki too slow, i guess
+ [2014-10-08T03:07:51Z] jaybe wow less than a minute lol