+ [2014-10-13T21:29:39Z] iamcarrico ... what are we tada-ing?
+ [2014-10-13T21:46:42Z] parkr iamcarrico: nothing in particular
+ [2014-10-13T21:47:21Z] iamcarrico parkr well then http://24.media.tumblr.com/30f1168944ec02e38c47c9d3ae3aa111/tumblr_mvdd5wEKUE1seo7jgo1_500.gif
+ [2014-10-13T21:47:30Z] parkr hahahaha

message no. 53395

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-10-13T01:55:55Z

+ [2014-10-14T19:47:56Z] iamcarrico Silly question: When I run "jekyll build" all of a sudden I have started getting Java runtime errors (since I am using YUI to compress my JS). Has anybody else seen this? I am not finding answers on the Googles...
+ [2014-10-14T20:53:13Z] jarib is there some way to get localized dates with github pages? googling turns up empty
+ [2014-10-14T20:54:31Z] jaybe localized?
+ [2014-10-14T20:55:25Z] jarib yeah, non-english
+ [2014-10-14T20:58:44Z] jaybe jarib, http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/