+ [2014-10-19T21:18:22Z] greenride I see. Thanks Nevik
+ [2014-10-19T21:18:29Z] Nevik sure :)
+ [2014-10-19T23:31:44Z] benzhninja join the official MS Office channel today! ##ms-office
+ [2014-10-19T23:33:27Z] offby1 <-<

message no. 54404

Posted by hmsimha in #github at 2014-10-19T03:54:24Z

Does anyone know if it's possible to get the total number of commits to a repo through the github api? It's possible through the web interface, but I don't know how much data I can extract from that before I get blocked
+ [2014-10-20T00:01:14Z] gshmu I'm using rebase, rebase master to my branch, and then push my branch, show ! [rejected] ...
+ [2014-10-20T00:01:41Z] gshmu what should i do?
+ [2014-10-20T00:06:00Z] offby1 gshmu: "git pull --rebase"
+ [2014-10-20T00:06:49Z] gshmu offby1: I fetched master and then at my branch rebase master.
+ [2014-10-20T00:07:52Z] offby1 gshmu: perhaps you need to fetch the _other_ branch too