latest 10 messages by hmsimha

+ [2014-12-19T02:06:44Z] hmsimha vxjasonv: thanks, I know addy is incredibly busy, but for my own sanity I'm wondering why something in his book was a certain way (basically there's a gap in my understanding if there's a reason for my pr not getting merged)
+ [2014-12-19T01:55:44Z] hmsimha Hey, would it be appropriate to email a project maintainer on why they didn't merge a PR? I submitted something (small) to Addy Osmani's backbone book 2 weeks ago, and am wondering if there was something wrong with it
+ [2014-10-19T07:20:49Z] hmsimha nevik: there's an api service for getting the list of contributors to a repo, with total number of contributions for each. It's not perfect though, adding it up doesn't yield the same number as what github shows when you go to a project page
+ [2014-10-19T07:20:36Z] hmsimha (or clone)
+ [2014-10-19T07:20:29Z] hmsimha nevik: that gets you the latest commit hash, but the article says you need to use the web interface to get the first one
+ [2014-10-19T07:18:08Z] hmsimha nevik: oh, you have to use the web interface anyway to do this :P
+ [2014-10-19T07:17:11Z] hmsimha nevik: awesome, thanks!
+ [2014-10-19T04:03:46Z] hmsimha offby1: If accurate (and it might be off because of anonymous contributions and commits from deleted branches) it would still require a bunch of api requests to get the entire commit history for a project
+ [2014-10-19T03:54:24Z] hmsimha Does anyone know if it's possible to get the total number of commits to a repo through the github api? It's possible through the web interface, but I don't know how much data I can extract from that before I get blocked
+ [2014-10-19T03:31:09Z] hmsimha does anyone know how to use the github API to get the number of total commits made to a repository?