+ [2014-10-27T19:24:06Z] jaybe use liquid filters for parsing
+ [2014-10-27T19:24:11Z] jaybe see /topic for liquid docs
+ [2014-10-27T20:07:02Z] ghostawe jaybe: thanks for the directions, worked out for me
+ [2014-10-27T20:07:17Z] jaybe ghostawe, sweet! welcome
+ [2014-10-27T23:13:16Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#4597 (jsonify-deeply) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/39208258

message no. 56598

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2014-10-27T23:13:16Z

jekyll/jekyll#4597 (jsonify-deeply) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/39208258
+ [2014-10-28T01:16:52Z] graysky After I upgraded to jekyll 2.4 some of my static pages aren't being processed when I run build or serve. The file is just being copied to _site despite having what seems like a valid frontmatter.
+ [2014-10-28T01:17:05Z] graysky Anyone ever see somethign like that? I think only started happening after upgrading to 2.4
+ [2014-10-28T03:25:19Z] zaczee hi all
+ [2014-10-28T03:26:11Z] zaczee wondering if anyone is offering jekyll dev services? specifically integrating a bootstrap theme with Jekyll
+ [2014-10-28T04:16:46Z] jaybe it wouldn't differ much from generally integrating bootstrap with any html/css