+ [2014-11-02T20:12:22Z] pontiki in which case, jekyll becomes a great option again, and even some of it makes sense to publish as blog pages rather than standalone pages
+ [2014-11-02T20:16:28Z] b-jazz bret: thanks for the confirmation. i thought that might be the case and was going down the road of generators until i realized that github doesn't support them.
+ [2014-11-02T20:25:05Z] pontiki b-jazz: is there a requirement for you that you have github generate your pages?
+ [2014-11-02T20:43:10Z] b-jazz pontiki: not a requirement, just a desire.
+ [2014-11-02T23:38:40Z] travis-ci alfredxing/jekyll#97 (fix-serve-host) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/alfredxing/jekyll/builds/39787586

message no. 58428

Posted by b-jazz in #jekyll at 2014-11-02T03:54:14Z

bret: i guess they'll be static pages, separate from the posts.
+ [2014-11-03T11:09:46Z] mostlybadfly running jekyll server for the first time :D
+ [2014-11-03T11:10:02Z] mostlybadfly been doing editing in the browser the whole time, haha
+ [2014-11-03T11:10:17Z] mostlybadfly not because i wasn't aware, just didn't really think to I guess
+ [2014-11-03T11:16:29Z] mostlybadfly anyone seen an error like this? /home/mostlybadfly/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jemoji (LoadError)
+ [2014-11-03T12:06:11Z] pontiki mostlybadfly: is that from when you're running jekyll?