+ [2014-11-07T23:26:46Z] VxJasonxV nope. just a specific IP
+ [2014-11-07T23:26:56Z] VxJasonxV use names, not ips
+ [2014-11-07T23:27:11Z] luto I don't use pages :P
+ [2014-11-07T23:29:23Z] luto does enterprise support github pages, btw?

message no. 59503

Posted by jarek in #github at 2014-11-07T01:57:06Z

do I need to enter "username.github.io" literally? Or my site URL?
+ [2014-11-08T00:07:58Z] puff http://paste.ubuntu.com/8874927/
+ [2014-11-08T00:08:11Z] puff What happens after I git push to a github repo?
+ [2014-11-08T00:12:21Z] psgs puff, Once you have pushed to the remote GitHub repository, the changes should show up online. Your changes may show up in other developers' local branches if they choose to pull from the remote GitHub repository :)
+ [2014-11-08T00:13:27Z] puff psgs: thanks.
+ [2014-11-08T00:13:36Z] puff psgs: So I'd push and then email them or whatever and tell them to pull.