latest 18 messages by jarek

+ [2016-05-14T11:28:32Z] jarek btw, aren't browsers automatically redirecting the user to http://www.somesite.come when is not available?
+ [2016-05-14T11:24:05Z] jarek jhass:
+ [2016-05-14T11:21:13Z] jarek s/correct/correctly
+ [2016-05-14T11:21:05Z] jarek jhass: the guide says the site will load slower if I use "A", If I understand correct, I should use the longer non-apex domain name when linking to my site?
+ [2016-05-14T11:17:19Z] jarek Do I need to also set the "A" record if I want the site to be accessible as apex domain?
+ [2016-05-14T11:03:39Z] jarek jhass: I see, thanks
+ [2016-05-14T11:03:05Z] jarek jhass: even though I have several projects, like, ?
+ [2016-05-14T11:00:05Z] jarek When using Github Pages service with custom domain, what should be the value of CNAME record if I want the custom domain to point to
+ [2016-05-14T10:59:20Z] jarek Hi
+ [2015-06-06T18:05:48Z] jarek nvm, I found the function with git log --all -S "pastePNG = ("
+ [2015-06-06T17:54:46Z] jarek I'm looking for "pastePNG" function that I implemented long time ago and I don't remember in which revision it was
+ [2015-06-06T17:53:57Z] jarek Is it possible to search for given string in given repository in *all* revisions?
+ [2015-06-06T17:53:43Z] jarek Hi
+ [2014-11-07T02:11:14Z] jarek jkitchen: my user name? but the example shows an URL
+ [2014-11-07T01:57:06Z] jarek do I need to enter "" literally? Or my site URL?
+ [2014-11-07T01:56:49Z] jarek it says "In cooperation with your DNS provider, create a CNAME record that points from that domain to"
+ [2014-11-07T01:56:35Z] jarek I'm trying to follow the instructions on
+ [2014-11-07T01:56:25Z] jarek Hi