+ [2014-11-08T20:04:15Z] wsmoak and here is where I got lost in the options http://jekyllrb.com/docs/plugins/
+ [2014-11-08T20:04:47Z] wsmoak can anyone point me directly to such a thing
+ [2014-11-08T20:11:16Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-watch#28 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-watch/builds/40409532
+ [2014-11-08T20:59:41Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#4668 (fix-windows-path-sanitation) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/40412081
+ [2014-11-08T22:03:41Z] geymed #jekyll

message no. 59934

Posted by wb in #jekyll at 2014-11-08T15:34:57Z

Also if anyone's interested, the paths work on cygwin at least (so the only thing stopping jekyll from working on windows is its inability to properly interpret windows current directory info)
+ [2014-11-09T00:08:51Z] travis-ci jekyll/classifier-reborn#70 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/classifier-reborn/builds/40429733
+ [2014-11-09T01:31:22Z] einball Hello there! I'm trying to find my way into jekyll,ruby and therelike and bumped into a problem - It doesn't know the option '--watch'. I'm using lubuntu, jekyll version 0.11.2 with ruby version 1.9.3 (everything installed from apt-get), installed the jekyll-watch gem via "sudo gem install jekyll-watch" but I'm a bit out of ideas on how to solve the problem or even where to start searching for a solution.
+ [2014-11-09T01:32:40Z] einball Where can I start looking for the error?
+ [2014-11-09T01:36:51Z] wsmoak my jekyll —version says 2.4.0, so that seems … old
+ [2014-11-09T01:38:53Z] einball That's not exactly what I wanted to hear. I'll read on how to build jekyll from source then.