latest 19 messages by wb

+ [2014-11-08T16:08:06Z] wb Yeah. Thanks for helping anyways, guys. And maybe it's for the best: this is going to be my last stop on the road of web frameworks. With bare HTML, at least I can honestly pledge to maintain it. I can't do that for a complex framework and its several dozen dependencies.
+ [2014-11-08T15:42:47Z] wb
+ [2014-11-08T15:42:45Z] wb Oh yeah, the above error is thrown upon "jekyll serve"
+ [2014-11-08T15:34:57Z] wb Also if anyone's interested, the paths work on cygwin at least (so the only thing stopping jekyll from working on windows is its inability to properly interpret windows current directory info)
+ [2014-11-08T15:34:00Z] wb :(
+ [2014-11-08T15:33:55Z] wb ArgumentError: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
+ [2014-11-08T15:33:55Z] wb >ERROR -- : Celluloid::PoolManager crashed!
+ [2014-11-08T13:47:49Z] wb Alright. Going to go install jekyll for cygwin's ruby and report back.
+ [2014-11-08T13:19:01Z] wb I get the exact same output from MSYS.
+ [2014-11-08T13:15:13Z] wb This is the config:
+ [2014-11-08T13:10:29Z] wb Ah, I see. Did that, but same problem:
+ [2014-11-08T13:04:56Z] wb Yeah, i saw the unofficial guide for that. Doesn't say anything about this.
+ [2014-11-08T13:03:23Z] wb Is it required?
+ [2014-11-08T13:02:40Z] wb None, only those 2 files in the directory
+ [2014-11-08T12:57:10Z] wb Any ideas?
+ [2014-11-08T12:56:38Z] wb er, build --trace
+ [2014-11-08T12:56:31Z] wb Here's what it spits out on a basic --build:
+ [2014-11-08T12:56:05Z] wb It's looking for X:/path/to/path/to/ instead of X:/path/to/
+ [2014-11-08T12:55:56Z] wb Hello everyone. I've run into a problem trying to use jekyll on windows: it's apparently doing something strange with the paths.