+[2014-11-09T22:45:05Z]nkuttlerpackt pub.. +[2014-11-09T22:45:18Z]nkuttleri have one or two good books from them.. kinda surprising +[2014-11-09T23:11:04Z]bretmarkdown is super easy to understand. Although you can learn markdown without knowing html as well. +[2014-11-09T23:11:04Z]bretwiz-: i like learning from books too, but markdown is really just shorthand html. I would check out https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown and https://help.github.com/articles/markdown-basics/ and on the book side stick with http://www.htmlandcssbook.com and http://diveintohtml5.info to learn more about html. Once you understand html, +[2014-11-09T23:47:28Z]wsmoakcan it (or a plugin) make an outline at the top and and anchors to each section? similar to… http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/javaExample.html
+[2014-11-10T01:26:40Z]pontikiwsmoak: list of jekyll plugins here: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/plugins/ +[2014-11-10T01:26:52Z]pontikilooks like there is one for a table of contents +[2014-11-10T01:29:51Z]wsmoakthanks +[2014-11-10T05:26:00Z]cubbanyone here? +[2014-11-10T05:26:21Z]cubbI'm pretty new to Jekyll and have a couple quick questions