+ [2013-07-30T11:20:39Z] kalib is it ok, right?! Am I making any mistake? Or I just need to wait a few minutes before github updates my page?
+ [2013-07-30T11:23:53Z] kalib not even the "blogging" octopress's instructions tells me how to do it: http://octopress.org/docs/blogging/
+ [2013-07-30T11:24:01Z] kalib it only shows how to preview
+ [2013-07-30T13:33:06Z] kalib exit
+ [2013-07-30T13:33:09Z] kalib exit

message no. 6151

Posted by kalib in #octopress at 2013-07-30T11:18:26Z

Hello guys. I'm new to octopress, and it's the first time I'm using it. I just created a post and checked it on localhost, working fine. But I'm having trouble to send it to github. Already got my address on github pages working with the default octopress page.
+ [2013-07-31T00:12:08Z] kalib Hello guys. First time using octopress. I'm using github pages to host it. I got a problem and can't figure it out. Already tried to google it. No results. My page is there: http://kalib/github.io But, as you can see it's showing the default octopress title, configs, etc. I changed I few configs (title, for example) and cimmited it. But it's not showing up, BUT if I access
+ [2013-07-31T00:12:10Z] kalib http://kalib.github.io/blog/archives/ I can see the title I did choose, subtitle, etc. What's wrong? Any tip?
+ [2013-07-31T00:13:21Z] kalib nevermind.. just updated it. I think github takes a while before make things happen.
+ [2013-07-31T00:13:25Z] kalib thanks anyway.
+ [2013-07-31T01:29:39Z] pontiki github has been sluggish