+ [2013-07-31T19:51:50Z] milktrader getting this error with rake generate
+ [2013-07-31T19:51:51Z] milktrader plugins/date.rb:15:in `ordinalize': undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
+ [2013-07-31T20:42:01Z] milktrader well 1.9.3 p194 to p448 solved nothing
+ [2013-07-31T20:45:37Z] GeekOnCoffee milktrader: why would it? that upgrade isn't going to fix whatever is on line 15 in plugins/date.rb from being nil
+ [2013-07-31T20:48:37Z] milktrader it appears it can't find the strftime method, which is likely not to be a new method in a patch, true

message no. 6173

Posted by kalib in #octopress at 2013-07-31T00:12:08Z

Hello guys. First time using octopress. I'm using github pages to host it. I got a problem and can't figure it out. Already tried to google it. No results. My page is there: http://kalib/github.io But, as you can see it's showing the default octopress title, configs, etc. I changed I few configs (title, for example) and cimmited it. But it's not showing up, BUT if I access
+ [2013-08-01T02:18:49Z] pontiki milktrader: if you are still having the problem, can you pastebin or gist the entire traceback?
+ [2013-08-01T02:59:38Z] milktrader pontiki http://pastebin.com/USm8ZXGD
+ [2013-08-01T03:54:37Z] pontiki does it work if you run rake preview?
+ [2013-08-01T03:54:55Z] pontiki ^ to milktrader