+ [10 years ago] pontiki i can spare the compute cycles for generation :D i have it down
+ [10 years ago] pontiki it's a single shell script
+ [10 years ago] pontiki https://gist.github.com/tamouse/038124f9ff2df27d03d5
+ [10 years ago] pontiki actually, just noticed
+ [10 years ago] pontiki i'm not sure how that was working!! LOL

message no. 61763

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-11-17T22:40:46Z

i'm not sure how that was working!! LOL
+ [10 years ago] cambo_seattle Does anybody know how I <should/can> get Jekyll to generate output files with CRLF and not just LF
+ [10 years ago] cambo_seattle I am running on Windows, and my CRLFs are getting turned into LF
+ [10 years ago] cambo_seattle which is fantastic, but certain features of IE need the CRLF
+ [10 years ago] cambo_seattle most notably 'Mark of the web'
+ [10 years ago] pontiki i don't know if that's something one of the markdown processors will do automatically