+ [2013-07-31T16:48:32Z] pfaff_ having an odd issue when i try to generate my site, i get this error http://pastebin.com/66GTSHWH
+ [2013-07-31T16:51:53Z] jaybe pfaff_, jekyll version?
+ [2013-07-31T16:53:19Z] pfaff_ jaybe: 1.1.2
+ [2013-07-31T16:53:39Z] jaybe pfaff_, `build` is the command i would expect
+ [2013-07-31T16:54:36Z] pfaff_ oh, yeah, it was just an incorrect command. thanks.

message no. 6181

Posted by pfaff_ in #jekyll at 2013-07-31T16:48:32Z

having an odd issue when i try to generate my site, i get this error http://pastebin.com/66GTSHWH
+ [2013-08-01T12:32:46Z] guiniol hello. I have some trouble with jekyll and paginating: if I set paginate_path in the _config.yml, I can't seem to access the paginator. Am I doing something wrong or has support for paginate_path been dropped?
+ [2013-08-01T12:57:24Z] guiniol I managed to get the paginator working but paginator.next_page_path and paginator.previous_page_path
+ [2013-08-01T12:57:39Z] guiniol do not point to the right places
+ [2013-08-01T12:59:43Z] guiniol from page2, next points to <url/to/page2>/page3
+ [2013-08-01T12:59:47Z] guiniol which is wrong