+ [2014-11-22T19:41:01Z] erw_ ok, I'm not the only one with this problem: https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues/1659
+ [2014-11-22T20:57:27Z] luminous hello! how do you generate links from existing posts?
+ [2014-11-22T20:57:52Z] luminous I'm looking at octopress docs raw to find examples but I'm only finding page refs
+ [2014-11-22T21:11:10Z] luminous is there a method that is better than manually with: [foo](/blog/YYYY/MM/DD/title-of-post) ?
+ [2014-11-22T21:34:52Z] erw_ @luminous It seems so: http://kqueue.org/blog/2012/01/05/hello-world/#internal-post-linking

message no. 62840

Posted by erw_ in #octopress at 2014-11-22T21:34:52Z

@luminous It seems so: http://kqueue.org/blog/2012/01/05/hello-world/#internal-post-linking
+ [2014-11-24T00:20:12Z] Algebr In the deploying tutorial, what is the purpose and which directory should the prompt for "Don't forget to commit the source for your blog"
+ [2014-11-24T00:20:23Z] Algebr under deploying to github pages.
+ [2014-11-30T05:35:17Z] bitvijays Hello All..How can I have different fonts in one post? Like two paragraphs in one font and another two in another font?
+ [2014-12-01T16:47:06Z] luminous hello! when creating a new post, how to you control the template that the rake task uses?
+ [2014-12-01T16:51:39Z] luminous ah! it is in the Rakefile :)