+[2014-12-08T20:34:20Z]LebedevRIas i have thought (people suggested otherwise). thanks! +[2014-12-08T21:39:15Z]ItsLuke!lsuggest Whore +[2014-12-08T21:39:19Z]ItsLuke!lsuggest ItsLuke +[2014-12-08T21:40:47Z]ItsLukeAww that bots not in here :< +[2014-12-08T21:50:47Z]VxJasonxV... wrong room?
+[2014-12-09T01:16:11Z]Funheya +[2014-12-09T01:16:23Z]FunI am downloading some sfuff and connection breaks +[2014-12-09T01:16:24Z]Funweird +[2014-12-09T02:11:39Z]morsedl3simple question: if I comment on a closed issue in github's issue tracker, will people be notified, or do I need to open a new issue? +[2014-12-09T02:20:44Z]VxJasonxVpeople will be notified