+[2014-12-12T23:32:56Z]tomreyntwistedtruth: because you need to s/=/ / +[2014-12-12T23:33:21Z]twistedtruththanks tomreyn +[2014-12-12T23:33:27Z]treehug88yeah, git config --global color.diff auto +[2014-12-12T23:46:26Z]AzelphurIs there any way to turn off email notifications for a repository? +[2014-12-12T23:46:50Z]AzelphurI just got added to a large organisation, but I don't want 500 emails/day
+[2014-12-13T00:30:38Z]andlabsHi. Where can I report a bug in the commit list atom feed? +[2014-12-13T00:34:27Z]J1G|Anon126andlabs: https://github.com/contact probably +[2014-12-13T00:36:50Z]andlabsok +[2014-12-13T00:36:57Z]andlabsmight be wrong though so I'll do that later; thanks anyway +[2014-12-13T01:46:47Z]VxJasonxVAzelphur: there's an 'automatically watch' option at https://github.com/watching which controls whether you will be automatically subscribed to things when you get access to them