latest 20 messages by andlabs

+ [2016-12-04T18:28:06Z] andlabs I wouldn't know; sorry
+ [2016-12-04T18:28:03Z] andlabs be patient and you'll get an answer eventually
+ [2016-12-04T18:16:03Z] andlabs which isn't productive to a good paste =P
+ [2016-12-04T18:15:57Z] andlabs basically if I paste then all the newlines get removed
+ [2016-12-04T18:15:48Z] andlabs ok, thanks anyway
+ [2016-12-04T18:01:16Z] andlabs I just want to file a bug that it doesn't workr ight when DOM clipboard events are turned off but
+ [2016-12-04T18:01:05Z] andlabs for entering text
+ [2016-12-04T18:00:55Z] andlabs text area itself
+ [2016-12-04T17:47:48Z] andlabs Asking to see who to file a bug against
+ [2016-12-04T17:47:43Z] andlabs Does github use a pre-existing component for its gist textarea, or did they roll their own?
+ [2015-07-06T04:01:40Z] andlabs all right, thanks
+ [2015-07-06T03:48:25Z] andlabs VxJasonxV: is that the only way? if so then thanks
+ [2015-07-06T02:26:25Z] andlabs specifically my main repo has a JSON data structure I want to render into an HTML table
+ [2015-07-06T02:26:16Z] andlabs Hi. Is it possible for github pages to be generated based on data in the main repository?
+ [2015-04-29T22:37:08Z] andlabs til usernames are not case sensitive
+ [2015-04-29T22:35:32Z] andlabs takes me to a valid user
+ [2015-04-29T15:37:16Z] andlabs tang^: thanks
+ [2015-04-29T15:03:13Z] andlabs Hi. Here to report another misidentified file in the syntax highlighter: is being detected as Mathematica when it's really Objective-C. Thanks.
+ [2015-03-31T15:24:18Z] andlabs just my commit email
+ [2015-03-31T15:24:14Z] andlabs question: which email is shown on a profile page? because I set my hprimary email to something and it's not showing up