+ [2013-08-11T03:47:02Z] pontiki creates a page in source/(filename)/index.markdown
+ [2013-08-11T03:48:03Z] pontiki filename can be a relative path as well
+ [2013-08-11T03:48:32Z] pontiki so maybe rake new_page['en/features/my-first-feature']
+ [2013-08-11T03:49:39Z] pontiki figuring out what locale to serve up though -- beyond my ken
+ [2013-08-11T03:50:05Z] pontiki skroon: hope you'll see all that

message no. 6574

Posted by pontiki in #octopress at 2013-08-11T03:38:29Z

so you have to write stuff
+ [2013-08-12T04:25:19Z] pontiki i have a question: is it possible to generate a full category listing? i.e. a page that shows all the categories and posts
+ [2013-08-12T04:25:25Z] pontiki sort of category archive view
+ [2013-08-12T04:25:50Z] pontiki i'm looking quickly over the category_generator plugin