+[2015-01-12T23:26:46Z]jYanyone have an issue creating an oauth token with repo:status rights? +[2015-01-12T23:26:56Z]jYwhenever i check it.. create the token.. then edit it.. its not checked +[2015-01-12T23:30:37Z]t4nk358thanks thibaultcha, I'm think this is what I'm need +[2015-01-12T23:31:22Z]t4nk358when i said "not a Git" - i mean it shouldn't be about commiting changes/pushing/pulling etc. +[2015-01-12T23:47:01Z]siloxidwith the github API, what does the syntax GET /orgs/:org/members mean? Would I curl from https://<myuser>@myorg.com/orgs/:mygroup/members ?
thanks thibaultcha, I'm think this is what I'm need
+[2015-01-13T00:24:35Z]siloxidsomething's very fishy. I can get the list from regular github pages such as https://api.github.com/repos/Netflix/netflix.github.com/contributors but I can't get it from my corporate github instance +[2015-01-13T00:34:11Z]fsynci'm setting up a repo on github for the fist time, what is .gitignore for? +[2015-01-13T00:41:32Z]dancrew32fsync: it's for ignoring local files and directories that you don't want to check into a repo +[2015-01-13T00:41:43Z]fsynckk thank you +[2015-01-13T00:41:49Z]dancrew32http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore