+ [2015-01-17T23:40:38Z] deepy how do I do that :)?
+ [2015-01-17T23:41:34Z] psgs deepy, To place a commit in a second pull request, simply create a new branch from the original branch, push a commit to the branch, and create a new pull request from that branch :)
+ [2015-01-17T23:42:06Z] deepy seems kinda odd that I have to use branches or separate repos
+ [2015-01-17T23:43:01Z] deepy I mean, how am I supposed to continue working on a feature branch after having made a PR?
+ [2015-01-17T23:44:20Z] psgs deepy, You should be able to create a new branch from the feature branch, push commits to it, then pull back to the feature branch.

message no. 73693

Posted by boodllebat in #github at 2015-01-17T17:16:41Z

Nei: that is bad
+ [2015-01-18T01:51:05Z] gregorycu So, I followed the instructions on how to rebase, and now there are superfluous commits
+ [2015-01-18T01:51:24Z] gregorycu My PR now contains 9 commits, instead of 4
+ [2015-01-18T01:51:39Z] gregorycu I obviously did something very wrong
+ [2015-01-18T01:52:32Z] gregorycu If anyone could take a look, and let me know what I should be doing now, i would be very grateful
+ [2015-01-18T01:52:34Z] gregorycu https://github.com/gregorycu/minetest/compare/WaterPerfImprovements