+ [2013-09-04T16:18:30Z] jezen does anyone know of a generator that creates JSON representations of posts?
+ [2013-09-04T18:18:45Z] trevlar_ jezen: hmm not that I've seen. but maybe you could create an rss feed, take it, and use this to convert it to json
+ [2013-09-04T18:18:46Z] trevlar_ https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=2.0&q=http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml&num=20
+ [2013-09-04T18:19:40Z] jezen that’s an interesting idea. Thanks.
+ [2013-09-04T18:20:41Z] trevlar_ probably be best to just parse the RSS directly but if you really need json, that might work

message no. 7573

Posted by jezen in #jekyll at 2013-09-04T18:19:40Z

that’s an interesting idea. Thanks.
+ [2013-09-05T01:05:23Z] devicenull how can I control the class name for the <div> container for pygments syntax highlighting?
+ [2013-09-05T01:05:43Z] devicenull I've got a highlight block, but I'm just getting <div> output, not <div class="highlight"> or w/e
+ [2013-09-05T01:10:44Z] devicenull helps if I use the right compiled site
+ [2013-09-05T04:44:00Z] BCB getting errors on ubuntu running jekyll build