latest 20 messages by jezen

+ [2014-02-15T20:40:44Z] jezen thank you
+ [2014-02-15T20:40:41Z] jezen silly me
+ [2014-02-15T20:40:37Z] jezen ha
+ [2014-02-15T20:39:14Z] jezen kaffeebohne: Something like this?
+ [2014-02-15T20:35:41Z] jezen i.e., after I finish with jekyll serve and I <C-c> to close, I’d like some commands to be run automatically
+ [2014-02-15T20:34:41Z] jezen is there a way I can hook into a WEBrick shutdown?
+ [2014-02-15T20:34:14Z] jezen hey guys
+ [2013-11-02T22:01:14Z] jezen hello..
+ [2013-11-02T18:55:28Z] jezen but it’s not parsing liquid tags
+ [2013-11-02T18:55:12Z] jezen I wrote a generator that reads HTML and outputs JSON
+ [2013-11-02T18:54:35Z] jezen is there a method for parsing liquid?
+ [2013-11-02T18:54:23Z] jezen Happy Halloween
+ [2013-11-02T18:54:19Z] jezen hey guys
+ [2013-09-12T09:51:16Z] jezen because this exception is thrown: uninitialized constant Jekyll::Redcarpet.
+ [2013-09-12T09:50:47Z] jezen but I can’t do this:, :autolink => true, :space_after_headers => true)
+ [2013-09-12T09:50:27Z] jezen I can get the normal markdown parser with this: site.getConverterImpl(Jekyll::Converters::Markdown)
+ [2013-09-12T09:50:00Z] jezen how do I access the redcarpet library inside a generator?
+ [2013-09-12T09:49:45Z] jezen hey guys
+ [2013-09-04T18:19:40Z] jezen that’s an interesting idea. Thanks.
+ [2013-09-04T16:18:30Z] jezen does anyone know of a generator that creates JSON representations of posts?