+[2015-01-30T23:42:59Z]Dougie187Oh, it's #6? +[2015-01-30T23:44:05Z]threexkDougie187: it looks like Github thinks I am a spammer: One of our mostly harmless robots seems to think you are not a human. +[2015-01-30T23:44:18Z]threexkwhoops, bad paste +[2015-01-30T23:44:48Z]threexksays profile has been hidden, contact support for reinstatement. So I will do that. Not sure why it didn't show this message before +[2015-01-30T23:54:05Z]GitItBillingsHi, Are there any known issues with the svn-bridge as of 01-30-215 4PM Pacific Time?
do you know that some linux distributions have some descriptor of all packages they have?
+[2015-01-31T00:16:53Z]thumpbawhats a good i pad app for github +[2015-01-31T00:28:53Z]StoneCypherif a junior dev accidentally commits 55,000 lines of library code, is there any way to save the line commit graphs +[2015-01-31T00:28:57Z]StoneCypherand merges * +[2015-01-31T01:43:28Z]Djolehello, is there any password-less way of getting commits from a private repo? +[2015-01-31T01:43:41Z]Djolei'm currently using curl sending myuser:mypass