+[2013-09-05T19:23:29Z]BrantBHmm, I might try that. I'm only using rbenv because the setup page said "use either rbenv or rvm" and I flipped a coin. +[2013-09-05T19:25:13Z]jaybebetween rvm and rbenv, the coin landed more in your favor. chruby is another, newer option. but again, homebrew lets you switch, system-wide, between ruby versions elegantly and perfeclty, without crap, as long as you don't need to be running more than one version of ruby at any one time. +[2013-09-05T19:27:33Z]BrantBI assume the latest version of 1.9.3 (p392) in Homebrew is fine for Octopress? +[2013-09-05T19:29:30Z]jaybeBrantB, i don't know about octopress' requirements +[2013-09-05T19:47:14Z]BrantBHmm, I like the look of chruby too... Thanks for the advice.
rbenv and ruby-build are the latest versions from Homebrew as of half an hour ago.
+[2013-09-06T00:11:34Z]pontikii'm using chruby, after wrestling with rvm for too long one night +[2013-09-06T00:12:24Z]pontikii did not know about brew switch +[2013-09-06T01:31:08Z]jaybepontiki, i dig brew switch. has zero requirements. as i mentioned, works great if you don't need to be dynamically switching between ruby versions. +[2013-09-06T05:00:15Z]pontikii'm pretty much on just one version now. however, there are the occasions i want to try something from 1.9.x +[2013-09-06T18:26:58Z]MisterLazernoob question: is there a proper way to merge in from the octopress repo? my current setup doesn't have anything tracking master, just a source branch