+[2015-02-01T19:00:56Z]tobiasvldivBy0: git is not a place, it's a software for version control of source code +[2015-02-01T19:01:05Z]tobiasvlgithub is a place, however, to host git repositories +[2015-02-01T19:01:37Z]divBy0tobiasvl: so then who would use git locally? developers who want to put their software on github? +[2015-02-01T19:02:21Z]tobiasvlyes, or on any other git hosting service, or developers who just want to version control local code/settings files/etc and not host it anywhere +[2015-02-01T19:03:14Z]divBy0tobiasvl: awesome, thanks :)
+[2015-02-02T09:42:44Z]IsNotMyIP Hi! Could yo recommend me any github project for beginners, I've learned c++ as much as i can and i want to contribute to a project if possible. Thanks! +[2015-02-02T10:30:38Z]serghi, could anyone help with irc service? no matter what I'm trying I see "Last delivery was not successful. Service Timeout." (checking with curl it's status 504). chat.freenode.net/6667 why would it timeout? in fact, one of many tens of attempts went through, then 504 again +[2015-02-02T10:33:18Z]VxJasonxVserg: link to repo? +[2015-02-02T10:33:29Z]VxJasonxVhmmm +[2015-02-02T10:33:37Z]VxJasonxVactually, a 504 should mean that the hook service couldn't execute