+[10 years ago]nonpamgl1cinseand I want to use a github repo to store my dotfiles +[10 years ago]nonpamgl1cinsebut I don't know how to do it +[10 years ago]Hyphen-atedmake a new repo on github to store your dotfile in, git clone it to have a local copy, commit your dotfiles in it, then hook that dotfiles tool up to it +[10 years ago]Sparkis it possible to get a graph of stars over time for a given project? +[10 years ago]RemramSpark: I don't think so. The stats don't offer that and the API doesn't give you events far enough, so you'd have to start tracking that on your own
what happens with private fork when a user is deleted from the organisation?
+[10 years ago]fitbobcatFinally received my student pack +[10 years ago]rook_floodrandom question: what are people using to convert markdown files to presentation slides these days? I'm trying vimdeck (https://github.com/tybenz/vimdeck) – I like it, but I'm running into a few issues. +[10 years ago]rook_floodI'll actually take this question to the vim channel folks +[10 years ago]SpringWhere are starred gists located on the site, anyone know? https://gist.github.com/starred doesn't display mine. +[10 years ago]rook_floodtry going to {username}/starred