latest 18 messages by aboudreault

+ [2015-02-22T19:31:29Z] aboudreault what happens with private fork when a user is deleted from the organisation?
+ [2015-02-16T21:59:03Z] aboudreault Looks like I can give the rights of the single repo to a new team.
+ [2015-02-16T21:54:50Z] aboudreault can we share a single private repository with someone in our organizatioN?
+ [2014-02-18T04:09:57Z] aboudreault looks like yes I need them.
+ [2014-02-18T04:04:30Z] aboudreault Do I need the public directory in my git repository when deploying on heroku? will it be generated on-push?
+ [2013-09-27T15:43:14Z] aboudreault for those interested: looks like we have to add something like this in cache_control :public, :must_revalidate, :max_age => 7200
+ [2013-09-27T15:29:53Z] aboudreault from heroky doc: <<you’ll need to configure your application to set the appropriate HTTP cache control headers>>
+ [2013-09-27T15:28:58Z] aboudreault I'm using heroku to deploy
+ [2013-09-27T15:28:52Z] aboudreault yeah, how can we do that?
+ [2013-09-27T15:27:50Z] aboudreault can we control the cache header with octopress?
+ [2013-09-26T20:50:59Z] aboudreault fixed, just found a plugin
+ [2013-09-26T20:42:08Z] aboudreault just realized that there is no place in my site to access blog by categories..
+ [2013-09-26T20:40:20Z] aboudreault should the url blog/categories/ works?
+ [2013-08-06T23:07:36Z] aboudreault pontiki, I see ok... will try to investigate this later. thanks
+ [2013-08-06T18:18:06Z] aboudreault I guess that upgrading my octopress will fix the *latest tweets* issue?