+[10 years ago]Seveashmm, I *think* git for windows ships with core.autocrlf set by default, because most editors on windows suck. +[10 years ago]tarkusAh.. i see.. could be, yet when I run git config --global core.autocrlf it printed nothing to the console +[10 years ago]Seveasif it's a built-in default, git-config won't show it +[10 years ago]plong0is there a way to run a gist’s index.html when it has bower components? +[10 years ago]VxJasonxVlocally, probably
for some reason it just doesn't want to track SOME of the contents of this folder
+[10 years ago]b0nnoh cool, didn't think this was a chan +[10 years ago]b0nnhi all, I am new to github and wonder if someone can help me out; I cloned a repo, made some changes and pushed them to my account. I want to issue a pull request, but it's not clear how to do that. I tried following https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/ but... no idea +[10 years ago]rbono +[10 years ago]rbojk +[10 years ago]rboI would answer that if I knew how myself. but godlike!