+ [2015-03-27T21:22:16Z] apipkin or —config=otherconfig.yml
+ [2015-03-27T21:22:57Z] dongding apipkin: You could also use a gulp job to change the config on the fly for your build ...
+ [2015-03-27T21:24:11Z] apipkin would that be more ideal?
+ [2015-03-27T21:40:00Z] dongding apipkin: Well, gulp was made to deploy with different goals, and you could automate it easily. jekyll on the other hand was built with one site (and one url) in mind I'd say.
+ [2015-03-27T21:47:01Z] apipkin Yeah i’m essentially use gulp as a watcher outside of jekyll scope for developing and then jekyll to create/serve up the page as the final step since gh-pages will serve up jekyll just the way we like (usually, haha). I’ll toy around with it and see if I can git something figured out that works well. Thanks for your help, dongding

message no. 86504

Posted by dongding in #jekyll at 2015-03-27T18:35:45Z

Oh, ok.
+ [2015-03-28T00:40:54Z] Ohga hello. I'm just experimenting with a jekyll template site and I'm noticing that the generated files have unix line endings. I'm on windows and thus expect win line endings... is this by design or a bug?
+ [2015-03-28T10:51:10Z] codezee hi all, I'm facing a problem, 'jekyll serve' used to work fine, however after an error in syntax, which I corrected, when I again did 'jekyll serve', I get this
+ [2015-03-28T10:51:12Z] codezee https://dpaste.de/t9Hv#L2
+ [2015-03-28T10:51:13Z] jekyllrb Title: dpaste.de: Snippet #308972 (at dpaste.de)
+ [2015-03-28T10:52:46Z] codezee the issue is, my directory structure never changes, then why the second time I get the error of inotify limit exceeding?